First of all, let me say it formally here: I am so very proud of you for taking and completing the course. I'm excited that you've taken the exam and have some time to take a deep breath. More importantly, realize that the pressure is off. We still have a few more assignments to round out the year, but I'd like our concluding activities to be reflective and pleasant.
On that note, consider this your swan song--here, in your comment (worth 15 points, but completion credit only--no rubric!) tell the 2013-2014 APE group what you wish you had known/done/realized/understood.
If you wished you had taken your work more seriously, say that. If you wish you hadn't freaked out so much, say that. If you'd like next year's bunch to known that they WILL evolve as readers and thinkers, tell them that. Think about when you were in the trenches--what did you wish someone had told you?
There's nothing like a Monday morning quarterback, and nothing like a May 10th APE student.
Comment below, lovlies.