Monday, November 5, 2012

One of the few extra credit opportunities you will see this year...

CHANGE OF PLANS! Stream the webcast from home.


If you STREAM the webcast, you need 1.5 pages and answer the following questions:
1. What was the focus of Diaz's presentation?
2. What did you find the most interesting?
3. What major themes does "The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" address?

A few of you came to ask: you can write this IN the blog, or type it and hand it in. Either is fine. It should be 1.5 pages, so make sure the length is there.

Also, as this isn't a blog homework, you don't need to comment on anyone's response in particular.

UPDATE! I am sitting in the auditorium waiting for it to start. If question 3 isn't addressed in the presentation, stick with the first two questions. I'm super excited and I hope you are too! Happy viewing!